
Leaves of the Macaranga Tanarius (L.) Müll. Arg., or, parasol leaf tree, or hu chang lek in Thailand.

Gender, Colonialism, and Science (Compendium of Primary Sources)

A five-volume series of primary sources in print and digital formats, with interpretative notes and scholarly essays, under preparation by a team of editors, to be published by Routledge. I am a series co-editor, with Banu Subramaniam.

“Ceres … teaching Mankind the Art of Husbandry” (from Hale, 1758, frontispiece)

Ceres: Gendered Histories of Agriculture and Horticulture (Special Issue)

A collection of multiple-authored essays on the gendering of horticulture and agriculture in many contexts globally, with a focus on women’s roles, forthcoming as a special issue of Endeavour. With Erela Ben-Shachar, I am a guest editor.

Students of Lady Warwick’s Hostel, Reading (from Kenealy, 1899, p. 215).

The Scientific Advancement of Women in Horticulture (Book)

My book is the first comprehensive study of international efforts to advance women through scientific and technical training in agriculture and horticulture, circa 1870 to 1920. The book is under contract with Lexington Books.

John Tyndall and Louisa Charlotte Tyndall, 1887 (from Eve & Creasey, 1945)

The John Tyndall Correspondence Project (Volume 16: 1878 through 1881)

A volume in the complete series being published by University of Pittsburgh Press. Annotated letters of the natural philosopher, John Tyndall, 1878 through 1881. I serve as volume co-editor with Richard Bellon and Jessica Avery.

Eve, E. S. and Creasey, C. H. (1945). Life and Work of John Tyndall. London: Macmillan.

Hale, T. (1758). A Compleat Body of Husbandry. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. London: Thomas Osborne.

Kenealy, A. (1899). The Lady Warwick Hostel. The Lady’s Realm 4: 215-220.